I am no longer anti-social loner girl…no no….you may now
call me Crime Show Junkie Homework candy eating binge girl. Yes, that is much
more flattering and attractive. As some of you know I had surgery this past
weekend. Joy….actually it wasn’t joyful at all! It was painful, annoying,
exhausting, and downright rotten timing! I quite literally get home after a
LONG day of crutching around campus wanting nothing more than to curl up in
fetal position in my cozy warm bed and drift into a serene slumber…but no. I
can’t get into fetal position because my leg can’t bend and my bed is NOT cozy
warm because I have to ice my dang knee!
I had surgery Friday afternoon….I can honestly say I was not
nervous at all. I think I was in denial that I would be getting surgery mid
semester…boo. Needless to say Friday was quite eventful! As you know when you
awake from surgery you tend to…. well…not be all there.... Only my closest
friends and family will know the full account of what I rambled on about for
near 45 MINUTES! It really is very entertaining…no I will not be posting onto
YouTube…. although I know I would get quite a few views…. lets just say things
were said, my opinions were stated, and tears were shed. Curious yet?? Here is a
water down version: BYU football, the upcoming election, my siblings,
handholding, no flowers, killer parents, my volleyball skills and much, MUCH
And now for a very requested update on Intermediate
To be completely honest….I ROCKED it! BOO YA! Everyone thought I had played varsity
in high school (*que brush my shoulder*) After the first day or so I was
completely in my zone! I was even
learning to jump serve before…the incident….(knee surgery) My main goal is to
recover from this stupid injury so I can get back on the court! I am completely
smitten with the sport!
But….baby steps! For now I will remain on the couch, icing
my knee, watching CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, NCIS, and Law &
Order. I am currently out of candy….(blessing in disguise?!)…I will have my
little brother go get me more. Gives him an excuse to drive with his new license
and me a reason to stuff my face with milk duds. Win, win.
Please enjoy this picture…..hahah
Look at its little legs...hahah creepy or cute?! |