Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tis the season to be...free from writers block!

I feel extra pressure to make this blog post good considering my last one was sort of in the middle of a melt down. Writers block. A term I have randomly often heard, especially going through countless honor English classes. Yes I experienced it. Yes I am over it. AND Yes I hope to never, ever experience it again. I do not wish it upon anyone. For those of you who may have had the unfortunately pleasure to work with me this summer may have discovered my deep love for Christmas music. I secretly listen to Christmas music throughout the year (don’t tell my dad!).  I have also discovered that it is my cure to writers block. Just stick in Mariah Carey’s Christmas CD and it’s smooth sailing from there.  

While experiencing the all to unpleasant “block” I discovered many new, enlightening things about myself:
1.     My love for Christmas music was WAY deeper than I thought.
2.     I am a fairly decent cook (I haven’t starved yet, YAY!)
3.     I have turned a complete softy and cry almost everyday about things like abuse dog commercials, cute old people being lovey dovey, kind words, music and yes…even in touching school classes
4.     I am where I am supposed to be
5.     I still am a fairly decently consistent bowler
6.     I am majoring in the correct major, HOORAY!
7.     It’s hard to completely miss my best friend when I know he is in the right place, doing the right thing
8.     I feel no need or pressure to be constantly doing something (unlike Freshman year and I LOVE it)
9.     I am happy, because doing the right things, and always striving to be a good person has made me completely happy, happy, happy!
10.  I still want a dog

As I proofread my post, I can’t help but chuckle that I am finally settling into the real me, no additives or preservatives, and I could not be happier. I only wish me “settling” could’ve happened sooner! In short, everyday I try to live my life right, my life as a whole gets more perfect than I could’ve ever imagined. When I think of Christmas three things come to mind: Happiness, laughter, and my Savoir, Jesus Christ. As I do what I should those three words happen on the daily!  Its like I am living in the Christmas season each day. Sooo I guess all I really have to say is…..Merry Christmas!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Unorganized Emotions and Brain

There is nothing more frustrating for a writer than to sit and stare at a blank word document. No ideas. No thoughts. No inspiration. Usually my blog posts are inspired by events or thoughts that occur within my jumbled and all to unorganized brain.  While much has happened (moved out, school began, new friends, cooking, adventures, tears) not one thing has truly inspired me to write. Its been about 15 days since my last post and I guess I just feel confused.  I have so many emotions tugging at my sleeves sometimes I feel stretched in all directions. I have never been happier in my life than yet I could probably sit down and cry, cry, cry because I hurt so badly inside. I have some things to sort out and think about. Please excuse this all to unwitty and confusing post. I do not feel my usual self tonight.
A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.”  ~Charlotte Brontë