Thursday, April 26, 2012

More Awesome

So I have had some time on my hands recently. The semester has ended, my summers started, and I haven't started work yet. I seriously just sit around each day on Facebook. I am growing to hate hate hate facebook but of course I have nothing else to do (you wouldn't believe the amount of solitaire I've played). I decided to try to use my excessive Facebook time to be productive. So I calculated the number of friends who have gotten engaged/married and who are pregnant just in this last school year. Anyone wanna take some guesses?? Well you would probably be wrong....are you ready......Engaged/Married: 47  Pregnant: 3. Can you even believe it? This makes me feel extremely single :) So I dedicated this quote to myself:

No More Sophmore

Looking through my pictures from this school year, while listening to The Sound of Music.
Here are my top 20:
(Please feel free to turn on the delectable vocals and melodious melodies of the soundtrack mentioned adds to your picture looking experience.)
If you wanna have to ask
We are crazy...especially in veeggassss
The Vegas Crew

My Niece... I have taught her well ;)

The State Fair, We were fight over the first bite...I won, naturally ;)
Fiesta was epic
Ohhhhh good times :)
Great night, in great pjs
matching before we run...epic
Ingrid Michaelson concert...i cried.
Ran out of gas....oooopppsss
After a football game...Love this pic!
Motel crashing, beating the system...way epic
Festival of Colors, love it
I LOVE this pic! love love love...not planned totally us
epic epic game...Midway, THE BEST!
Classic Jumping pic!
Matchie blankies!
Conference with my buds!

I have now listened to the entire Sound of Music Soundtrack and have moved onto Grouplove. My music mood is very bipolar...gotta love it! The sun has been shining and my summer is just beginning! Huzzah! Summer 2012!