Monday, January 20, 2014

December 9, 2013 - No More Trio

I would like to start this email off with a little story about a missing glove. My companion loves her gloves. My companion lost a glove (while we were sprinting to the GARE (train station) to catch a train (#lifeofamissionary). My companion shed some tears (they may or may not have been literal tears). On the way home we detoured to see if we could find it. Just as we were about to turn around and fill our tummies with much needed nourishment, we saw a glorious item just a few yards away in the middle of the sidewalk. With our strides full of faith and hope that it was the missing glove we approached the item!!! To find that it was.......a giant pile of poop. Needless to say her glove was not found and so the glove she had is now in the trash. Welcome to France!!
This week is full of random funny stories. Basically like most of my weeks. For example: How about the time we went over to one of our Amis’ house this week (perks of being in a trio!!).  This house was ANCIENT. As soon as we walked up to it I thought, “oh no, this is going to be interesting!!!” I stepped through the door and honestly I immediately thought of...Tyler. You know when Tyler grosses him self out of things, he just gets flat out grossed out. I just kept thinking, Tyler would be dying right now. We sat down for Tea (herbal...Word of Wisdom approved!) and the teacups looked like they hadn't been washed since 1956.  I new right then and there that Tyler would have most likely passed out dead.  I haven’t even mentioned the state the horrible ancient house stench.  He would have died from one or the other.  I mean, I can distinctly remember a Sunday Dinner where Tyler had a "speck" on his potatoes and he refused to eat them.  Boy oh boy, TJ...are you in for a treat on your future mission!! haha Moral of this story is that I know for a fact I could have never handled that situation had I not been a missionary. It was horrifying! But I know that I did survive out of complete love for the Savoir and for my Ami. And that my friends is the power of Christ-like love. of the many ways it is manifest, anyway. 
As you know transfer calls were this week. Well. I am staying in Chambéry! At first I had mixed emotions, but when the rubber hits the road I am super pumped!! I have really grown to love the people here (Amis, members, Less Actives). Soeur Beeny and me are together again as a duo which I am also pumped about! I love staying with comps more than one transfer! It really gives you an opportunity to get to know them! And also my French has really skyrocketed with her (and of course the Lord)! I am soooo much more comfortable with the language and really getting into teaching! Boo Ya! Sadly, however, our trio is no more (sniffle sniffle). I am going to miss S. Pape loads. She is going to Aix en Provence and will do wonderful!  Being in a trio was soooo nice. Basically because half the mission rules about where you can go, going into an apartment, etc. don’t apply to you. It will be an adjustment now with our Amis because we are in the duo rules, but things will work out!! 
This week was again very busy!! Ever week is busy!  Go figure.  We taught 21+ Rendezvous, visited a member’s house every night, and contacted LOADS. I am trying to be better at evenly juggling all the "balls" of missionary work. Being more consistent and diligent. Its not an easy thing to master. 
So you all have been asking about Skype.  Well, I don’t remember my Skype user name. If someone could find that for me that would be fabulous! Also I need your user names. We have one hour to Skype so we need to arrange a time when we can do it. One of the "perks" of staying in Chambéry with a Branch of....30ish active members is that I will most likely—actually—basically in reality, not be spending Christmas at a member’s house. Our DMP told us we will NOT get invited anywhere so we find other arrangements. #Chambérylovesus. But I am not too worried about it.  The church has a computer and we will ask around for a web camera and if all else fails...we will pray that a Muslim Internet cafe is open on Christmas Day! Mom I would also like to some good recipes so I can make me and my comp a Christmas dinner or something! As one of the Richardson sayings goes, "If you want something to be a big deal, MAKE IT A BIG DEAL!" We might even try to find some Amis or Single Adults who have nowhere else to go to come and celebrate with us. We still don’t know...We will make it a party. What ever happens it will be a good experience. 
These past few weeks I have noticed an unreal growth in my French. It’s been amazing!! I credit it to hard work, loads of prayer, and great comps. I love the French language and it’s getting more and more fun to learn and speak!

Challenge of the week: Make someone struggling Gingerbread men!! Get them in on the Christmas SPIRIT!!

Well family and friends, I love you all!! Enjoy the Christmas season for it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!! 

With all my love, 
Soeur Richardson

ps. When is the doctor appointment when Matt and Meg will know the gender of their baby? 
pps. how old is Elle currently? 6? 

Mom: I got your package with the Conference Editions in it! FINALLY! It took so long because it was searched...strange. But everything was there safe and sound!! Thanks so much.  We are super excited!! And the fruit leather…oh, I about died!! I miss Costco! hahaha 

And finally, “THEY SAY IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY DAH DAH DAH DAH DA DA!! WERE GONNA HAVE A GOOD TIME! DAH DAH DAH DAH DA DA!!” Happy Birthday Daddio!! (on the 12th) You mean loads to me! Thanks for you support and love! Miss you so much!! 

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