And so my journey begins. I am beyond excited for my new
adventure into the great unknown!! As I reflect on these past few weeks I
realize all the amazing people I have been surrounded by! My family, friends,
church leaders….ALL have played a major part in shaping me into the person I
am. A few months ago I made the decision to serve a mission. I was never
planning on serving a mission. I had a pretty rockin 5 year plan, and a mission
was nowhere to be found on it. But there is no mistaking Heavenly Father’s hand
in this decision. And while my 5 year plan was great, and I had to accept some
hard changes, I know it was not the 5 year plan for me. And even though I am
scared, nervous, and unsure about this new and improved plan for me. I know I
am choosing the right and confidence comes with that knowledge. And I know I am
doing the right thing. So I can take those shaky, unsure steps into my future
with complete confidence. On pinterest I saw this awesome quote that said, “we
must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so the God can give us
the life that is waiting for us.” I have complete confidence in my Heavenly
Father. Now my wait to leave is over and I report to the Provo MTC tomorrow.
And the only word that keeps coming to mind is: grateful. I am grateful to my
familiy who have supported me, loved me, and been there for me through the good
and bad. Grateful for loyal, loving friends who put up with my crazy
personality and obnoxious laugh. Grateful for the people, teachers, and leaders
who taught me throughout my life. I am just so grateful. I truly love each and
every one of you. Aurevoir mes amis! I am soo excited for this new adventure!!
Ps. My mom will be updating this blog with my letters. You
can also email or write me at the following addresses:
MTC Mailbox #296
N 900 E
UT 84604
3rd- May 14th)
France Lyon
Business Centre
rue de l’Abondance
14th-Oct 2014)
Vive La France |
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