Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Why aren't you married already"

I just got a text from a friend that read, “Why aren’t you married already?”. Yes. I am very aware that I am surpassing the “norm” of BYU by not being married/engaged at 21. But seriously….who deemed all 21+ year olds to be old maids?? I personally believe that 21 is young and I will have plenty of time to still search for the guy crazy enough to marry me and all my craziness (….knock on wood). I am headed out on a mission for my Church in 5 DAYS. Woot Woot. I am SO excited! But some of my friends thought I was CRAZY, which kinda scared me. Was I really deeming myself to be an old maid….the neighborhood dog lady…..the bored cookie baking lady!!!  Oh no no no. As you can imagine…I had no idea what to text back. Cause seriously….WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?? I couldn’t help but chuckle at myself cause there is always that person who brings that subject up. And yes…..4 of my 5 best friends have gotten engaged/married since November. Do I have every right to feel a little lonely and left out….well ya maybe….but why waste the time?! I am convinced that in life everything has a time. And if its not your time, well, you are just going to have to wait a while. I have come to terms with the fact that it is just not my time. I have other things I need to be doing and if I give 100% of myself to it…the rewards will far surpass the pain of waiting.   
In other news I could just not be married because I am currently playing my old Gameboy SP, eating easter candy and chips, tucked in my bed. Hahahahaha…..some call it antisocial, I call it comfy, fat, and happy. So yes, my name is Lauren Elisabeth Richardson, I am 21, single, nerdy, weird, comfy, happy, and well fed. I am also ready for my new adventure. While it might not be “marriage time” for me, it is time for me to serve the people of France. And I could not be more excited and happy. 5 days people! YAAAAAAAYY

A few new things I learned this week:
1.     The Les Miserable soundtrack can make you cry almost just as hard as the movie. Or maybe that's just me………*awkward*
2.     How to properly fold a pair of pants….It’s really fancy. I feel very legit.
3.     If you listen to too much Taylor Swift you start to feel like you’re in Jr High again. (Ohhh the DRAMA)
4.     "Remember Me" is by far the best chick flick ever made. It is the PERFECT balance of romance and comedy.
5.     I am horrible at any video game where the main point is to kill. (Halo, Super Smash Bro., Call of Duty) I try and try….I just have to come to terms with it. I will forever be horrible. Sigh

I am really going to miss blogging. C’est la vie.  

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