Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Set Impossible Goals - July 8, 2013

            What a week it has been!! I would just like to start out by bearing my testimony. This church is true. I know it with all my heart. By doing the little things brings the great blessings. Never forget the little things. 
So this week has been exhausting!!! We started off the week by doing a lot of work in our Area book, making calls and such!! And it was looking surprisingly successful! Now please realize that my comp and I both have about 7 weeks experience of French so it truly is a miracle that things get done! People are SO surprised when we tell them we have been here for about 7 weeks!! Talk about GIFT OF TONGUES!!! Seriously it’s amazing to me! This week Soeur Luthi and I have really tried to apply the counsel we received at Bleu's Conference. We worked out tails off! We contacted 710 people! Meaning we talked with 710 individuals about the gospel! WOOF! The "standard of excellence" for our mission is about 350 per week!! We worked our tails off! We wanted to set impossible goals and make them possible! And not going to lie....it was exhausting (haha). As we were walking out in the hot sun for hours looking for people to talk to I thought I might fall over from exhaustion. My feet were KILLING but then I would remember that I had Christ at my side and Angels around me giving me support. I know with out a doubt I have angels about me constantly, helping me in the work. 
Our mission has set a goal for 50 baptisms in the month of July and Satan is on full attack. It is actually a little frightening! Soeur Luthi and I have been making a very conscious effort to be exactly obedient so we can qualify our selves for blessings and protection. But we already know which side will win. It's such  comfort to us all. Partake in that blessing family and friends....you are part of the winning team! Embrace the Gospel and live it! One thing I have just come to realize this week is you must act. NO DUH right? (haha)  But I have been studying and studying and I am really getting a greater knowledge of the gospel and really understanding....but that doesn’t mean I will get the blessing of it because I am not always applying the knowledge I am receiving. So that is a challenge I extend to you! Study a principle of the Gospel and then apply it. I can promise you will see and feel a difference! 
So this past week we have 9 Rendezvous (meetings with Amis or lessons) scheduled, which is quite a bit, but we had a total of 6 tombez-vous!!! (They fell through!!) Sooooo sad!! But we are really working hard to get more amis and I know if we continue in patience we will be blessed. The Elders had 2 baptisms on Saturday....and I think that may have been the first time I’ve been to a baptism for someone who wasn’t 8. What an amazing experience!! Our Amis Marie-Antoinette came...I really hope it sparked something inside of her! We also had our other Amis Sylvio show up just after it had ended...maince!! (that is their way of saying dang it) But we were able to introduce him to a lot of members and JA's (jeune adultes....young adults) Sylvio is 19 and we are actually teaching him in English! He is awesome!! I hope that we can be good enough vessels for the spirit to work though so that he can come to a knowledge of the truth!! He asks really deep great questions....its very impressive considering he is only 19!! 
In other news...things have really heated up here in Toulouse!! I melt everyday and night! Yay for humidity haha. We celebrated the 4th of July here!! We had Zone training and sang the national anthem and said the pledge of allegiance...I bet it was real awkward for our one Canadian (haha)  me and Soeur Luthi also cooked hot dogs :) Yes we found hotdog buns and everything. We also literally sang all the American songs we knew ALL DAY LONG. I really missed being with the fam and celebrating...I never realized how much I love that holiday!! But c'est pas grave!! I am where I am supposed to be so things are GREAT!! *
Overall things are going great with Soeur Luthi and me!! We get along great and we are loving the work!! We see miracles daily! Thanks for your prayers, love, and support!! I also got both packages!!! THANKS!! I love the T-shirts (shout out to Maddie!!) Missed being at CC! Also love the shoes and we ate that bag of tootsie rolls in like 2 seconds....so great! (haha). Also thanks Jess for the Talk!! It was exactly what I needed to hear!! XOXOXO 

Choose the Right!! 
Love, Soeur Richardson  

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