Monday, February 3, 2014

Ten Months!

Happy 10 Months everybody. Is anyone else freaking out how fast time is going? But really? What is going on? By the end of this week another transfer will be half way over. I am on my 7th transfer and we only have a total of 12 on a mission. Mercy. Time is flying! Everyday I spend on my mission, I love it more and more. How grateful I am that I got to stay in Chambery!! I have seen so many great miracles and continue to build deeper relationships! For example, as I have already mentioned before, I have been playing the piano every Sunday. A small and simple way to serve the Branch.  Well Soeur Vivant asked me to teach her how to play the piano.  When she asked me, I about died and I heartily agreed. It was such a fun, sweet experience. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to play music. It was such special experience to use my talents in that way! My heart about melted as she plunked through the right hand of the simplified hymn version Choose the Right. I just love moments like these!! 
We were able to having a winner FHE last Monday! We made Croque Monsieur's, salad, AND MET DANIELS WIFE!!!!! She is soooooo legit! En plus!!!! She already has attended the "Mormon" Church multiple times with a friend. Unfortunately spending 10+ months in a different time zone has really paid a toll on her and she is struggling adjusting back to the time zone. It’s been a little difficult taking rendezvous with them but when things settle. I have a GREAT feeling about both of them!! She was very happy to meet us and was sure to assure as with a "à très bientôt" when saying goodbyes. (translation: see you very soon!) It was a very positive experience and we are excited to continue!!
These week we attended Zone Training! It’s always an adventure going to Genève! Our zone leaders are fabulous—Elder Olivier and Elder Elvidge. Elder Elvidge is from England and has a rockin' accent. As you can imagine our apartment hasn’t stop talking in English accents since the meeting! Elder Olivier is still as amazing as ever (he has been here since I arrived). He is French and is such a great missionary! He did Zone training ALL in English!! It was sooo great! We were all so happy and proud of him! It was extremely weird to have our training in English again (normally our Zone has all our missionary meetings in French). This transfer is going to be great!! My comp and I have been working extremely hard!! We have been contacting like mad women! We have been very diligent! Our District Leader, Elder Heck, had nothing but praises to give us at our weekly report! He is soo funny! We all made code names for ourselves. Soeur Bowman’s is Black Scarf; Elder Heck’s is Silent Thunder; Elder Duckworth’s is White Tiger; and nine is Fresh Bologna. Ya...we were in a mangez-vous when we had to send our codenames in and I looked around and put the first 2 words I saw. But It was a hit :) Sometimes I realize how weird I am but it usually works out for the best and makes other people not feel as stupid. Hahaha! That’s just my excuse to make me feel better about myself—Heehee!  
We did Service at Marie Christine’s last night. Then stayed and ate dinner together to Celebrate Soeur DeO's birthday. She went all out as usual and made us two desserts, cheese course, homemade applesauce, and Fois Gras Burgers...Ha. She gave Soeur DeO a scarf that she especially picked out to go with her hat she wears. She is so thoughtful. She then called me this morning to tell us just how grateful she truly is for us and how much we have changed her life. She told me that we have truly changed her life and mode of thinking. She told me that she can in fact feel loved and is so grateful for the love we bring each time we visit. She can’t wait until her house is in order so then she can get her spiritual life in order. I was nearly crying on the phone with her. She loves us so much. I feel so blessed. 
Our little branch loves us soooo much as well. We have been invited over by so many families!! We are eating Crepes with the Menets, had dinner with the Gonans Friday night (I love them sooooo much), ate with the Family Arnaud, and  have loads of rendezvouses set for next week. I love small branches because our love for them is so apparent and their love for us is so apparent. We are really going places with this branch!! Especially with less Actives!! We have a less-active lesson scheduled for each day of the week this week! We have also been scheduling loads of rendezvous while we contact!! Miracles upon miracles!! DILLIGENCE IS THE KEY. We have got a booked week filled with solid potential amis, Amis, and less active souls to bring back to Christ!! Pray that everything goes as planned!! 
Well my friends, Sophie (our golden contact that told us she wanted to be baptized) could make it to her Rendezvous so she rescheduled for this week before hanging up she said, "ne vous inquiétez pas, je veux vraiment de vous voir!!"(aka dont worry about me changing the time, I still am very interest and want to see you!) Keep the prayers coming! 
Shout out to Megs!! THEY SAY IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY DA DA DAHDAH DAH DAH! Have a great day as you celebrate your 26 years of being alive. que dieu vous bénisse.  Sorry this email is random!! Know I love you all!! I LOVE being a missionary! And I know with out a doubt that this church is true. The only way to live and be happy is through this gospel and keeping the covenants you have made. Choose the right! I beg of you, Choose the right. True happiness comes from doing just that. I watched this video a few days ago and it really touched me! (as do most Mormon Messages. Haha! I cried) My Challenge to you this week is to watch it: 

God Speed. Choose to be a missionary today. 
Proud to be a missionary,

Soeur Richardson

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